Offline payment methods - Checkout API - Mercado Pago Developers

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Offline payment methods

With Checkout Transparente, you can offer one offline payment method: PagoEfectivo.

In this section, you will find all the necessary steps to configure it.


  1. In the store Control Panel, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  2. In the Mercado Pago plugin, click Configure.
  3. Click on the Transparent Checkout tab and then click on Offline Payment Methods.
  4. In the PagoEfectivo option, complete the fields according to the descriptions below.
    1. In Enabled, choose between "Yes" or "No". This option defines whether the payment method will be available for use.
    2. In Title, define how you want this payment method to appear in the checkout.
    3. In Deadline for payment, choose the time that the customer has to complete the payment.

Common payment method definitions

In this section, you can define some general characteristics of the platform for the use of Checkout API. Fill in each of the requested fields according to the description below.

  1. In the Minimum order total option, set the minimum value for an order to be processed. In this field, enter integers. The payment method will only be displayed to the consumer if the order value is equal to or greater than what you inform.
  2. In Maximum order amount, set a maximum value for the order to be processed. In this field, enter integers. The payment method will only be displayed to the consumer if the order value is equal to or less than what you inform.
  3. In Payment From Specific Countries, select the countries that can use this payment method. Only consumers whose payment address is from one of the countries you selected can see this payment method.
  4. In the Sort Order option, set an ascending order of display for this payment method on the checkout. The lower the number you enter, the lower the position of this payment method among all others. For example, if it is 1, any other payment method with a higher order will be displayed after it.

After completing these fields, payment by card will have been enabled in the Checkout API. Click Save Configuration to save the changes made or, if you prefer, go to the next step and configure installment and interest for cards.