If you have any doubts about the technical terms used, check the glossary below.
Name on the report column | What it means |
Release date (DATE ) | Transaction release date. It is the moment when this transaction impacts the available balance in the user's account. |
Transaction ID in Mercado Pago (SOURCE_ID ) | Transaction identifier in Mercado Pago's systems. Example: ID of a Payment. This field contains alphanumeric values. |
Reference code (EXTERNAL_REFERENCE ) | This information helps to identify a transaction by its origin. The code can be: - Order ID, through the order or shipment (if it is a cart purchase). - Their own ID, provided by the seller, if it is an external integration. These data allow the correlation of transactions (records) between Mercado Pago and external systems This field may be empty for some cases, such as invoice payments, money transfers, among others. |
Registry type (RECORD_TYPE ) | initial_available_balance → Available balance of the previous period. release → Money that was released from a collection. total → Total net amount. available_balance → Balance before and after a withdrawal or transfer, which explains the account balance. |
Description (DESCRIPTION ) | Possible values that the field can assume: For release : Payment (payment), Simplified Regime 2% Exceeded Subject Tax (tax_payment_ibex), Shipping fee (shipping), Money refund. Shipping fee (shipping_cancel), Tax Withholding (tax_withdholding), Tax Withholding Cancelled (tax_withdholding_cancel), (mediation),(mediation_cancel), Chargeback (chargeback), (fee_release_in_advance), Positive income (asset_management_gain), Negative returns (asset_management_loss)For Balance prior to withdrawal and/or transfer available_balance : The field shows the prefix "pre" and "pos" to indicate the balance before or after a withdrawal or transfer, as applicable, followed by the transaction type – in this case, a money transfer (Payout), followed by the transaction identification number or Source ID. Prefix + transaction name + transaction number. Example: Pre cash withdrawal and transaction ID number (pre_payout_ID_source) pre_payout_1948976543 pos_payout_1948976543 Definitions to be considered: Chargeback chargeback : it is displayed when a chargeback associated with the referred payment is initiated or resolved. Dispute dispute : appears when a mediation or complaint about the referred payment is initiated or resolved. It can happen before or after the payment has been released as available money and even withdrawn/transferred from the account. Shipping_return fee shipping_return : it is displayed when a payment for expedited return is blocked or unblocked. shipping_refund : amount of the shipping or shipping-related tax fee. The money from this refund will be released immediately. Payment payment : payment released in any of the channels in which the customer operates. Refund refund : refund associated with the referred payment. IIBB Tax Collection tax_payment_iibb_cre_[jurisdiction] : collection of gross income tax - Mercado Credito, where [jurisdiction] is replaced by the name of the province where the tax is generated. To reconcile by transaction, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML. General Regime Added Value Tax Collection tax_iva : collection of the added value tax (IVA). General Regime Added Value Tax Collection - Mercado Credito tax_iva_cre . Tax withholding cancellation tax_withdholding_cancel : the cancellation of the tax withholding.Withholding tax tax_withdholding : The collection of withholdings that could not be executed transactional to the associated payment. In Argentina they are only Gross Income withholdings (perceptions are debited as another transaction). In Uruguay they are VAT withholdings. In Colombia they are VAT, ICA and Source withholdings, as applicable tax_withdholding_cancel : the cancellation of the tax_withdholding retention. Tax on credits and debits on payments tax_withholding_payer : tax on credits and debits on payments.Tax on credits and debits on receipts tax_withholding_collector : tax on credits and debits on collections.Tax on credits and debits on withdrawals tax_withholding_payout : tax on credits and debits on withdrawals.Tax on credits and debits on shipments tax_withholding_shipping : tax on credits and debits on shipments.Shipping shipping : shipping fee for cart purchases that is not included in every payment of the cart. Shipping_cancel shipping_cancel : cancellation of the shipping charge for cart purchases that is not included in every payment of the cart. Chargeback chargeback : chargeback either for or against an operation. Fee payments / Money advance fee-release_in_advance : Fee for advance. Positive income asset_management_gain : positive income generated by the change in the value of shares purchased in the investment pool.Negative returns asset_management_loss : negative return generated by the variation in the value of shares acquired in the common fund.Restriction for fraudulent behavior restriction :happens when a restriction is applied for fraudulent behavior. Debit of the installment of a loan credit_payment : Appears when the installment of a granted loan is charged. Payout payout : withdrawal of available money in Mercado Pago.Reserve for blocking money invested reserve_for_embargo_invested : blocking the money invested. This value is displayed when there is cash reserve in mutual funds.Reserve for BPP shipping return reserve_for_bpp_shipping_return : reserve for returns.Reserve for debt payment reserve_for_debt_payment : withheld for debt payment.Reserve for refund reserve_for_refund : withheld for approved returns.Reserve due to contest on linked account reserve_for_cbk_cross_recovery : withheld due to the chargeback in a linked account.Reserve for payment reserve_for_payment : expenses pending confirmation. digitalchange_transaction : Transaction due to digital change. Inflows or outflows in the account. If you are a seller, it is the digital change you gave a buyer that paid in cash. If you are a buyer, it is the change you received for a purchase you paid in cash. |
Net debit amount (NET_DEBIT_AMOUNT ) | Accredited to the amount available. |
Net credit amount (NET_CREDIT_AMOUNT ) | Debited to the amount available. |
Amount received for split payment purchases (SELLER_AMOUNT ) | Amount received for split purchases. |
Gross operation amount (GROSS_AMOUNT ) | Gross operation amount. |
Extra data (METADATA ) | Extra data such as the ID of partial returns or data provided by the seller in case of having an external integration. |
MP_FEE_AMOUNT | Commission Payment of Mercado Pago and/or Mercado Libre. Includes VAT. |
Fee for offering installments (FINANCING_FEE_AMOUNT ) | Cost for offering interest-free installments. |
Shipping cost (SHIPPING_FEE_AMOUNT ) | Shipping cost. |
Taxes for IIBB withholding (TAXES_AMOUNT ) | Taxes charged for gross income withholdings. |
Discount coupon (COUPON_AMOUNT ) | This operation shows the total amount of the discount coupon offered to your buyers. |
Installments (INSTALLMENTS ) | Number of installments in which the operation was carried out. |
Payment method (PAYMENT METHOD ) | Payment methods available according to the country with which you operate in Mercado Pago. |
Tax detail (TAX_DETAIL ) | Description of the tax withheld by operation in TAXES_AMOUNT . |
Tax deducted from gross value (TAX_AMOUNT_TELCO ) | It is the value of the tax on telecommunications companies that is deducted from the gross value. |
Approval Date (TRANSACTION_APPROVAL_DATE ) | Date of approval of the operation. |
Cashier ID (POS_ID ) | Cash ID if the payment is made through a physical commerce. |
Name of the cashier (POS_NAME ) | Cash name for the payment made through a physical commerce. |
Cashier ID defined by user (EXTERNAL_POS_ID ) | User-defined cashier ID for payment made through a physical commerce. |
Store ID (STORE_ID ) | Branch ID if payment is made through a physical commerce. |
Store name (STORE_NAME ) | Branch name for payment made through a physical commerce. |
Store ID defined by user (EXTERNAL_STORE_ID ) | Store ID defined bu the user for payments at a physical store. |
Order ID (ORDER_ID ) | Purchase Order. |
Shipping ID (SHIPPING_ID ) | Shipping ID. |
Shipping method (SHIPMENT_MODE ) | Shipping method. |
Package ID (PACK_ID ) | ID of the package in the cart. |
Detailed taxes (TAXES_DISAGGREGATED ) | Detailed taxes in JSON format. |
Charge to offer discount (EFFECTIVE_COUPON_AMOUNT ) | This transaction shows the amount you cover within the discount coupon offered to your buyers. To make it easier to differentiate it from COUPON_AMOUNT , we added the "–" sign when the transaction belongs to a sale and "+" when the transaction belongs to a return. |
POS machine serial number (S/N) (POI_ID ) | POS machine ID if payment is made at a physical store. |
Buyer card (CARD_INITIAL_NUMBER ) | The first digits of the credit or debit card with which the purchase was made. |
Transaction tags (OPERATION_TAGS ) | These are labels to categorize and/or segment different aspects of the transaction, such as the channels used to make a payment. They are identified as: WHATSAPP_PAY: This label indicates that the payment was made via WhatsApp. MARKETPLACE: This label indicates that the payment was made directly in Mercado Libre. |
Product identifier (ITEM_ID ) | Identifier of the sold product. |
Balance (BALANCE_AMOUNT ) | This column displays the balance remaining in an account after a transaction that affects the total value is performed. |
Transaction destination account (PAYOUT_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER ) | Here you will find the account number to where Mercado Pago money was transferred. |
Product SKU Code (PRODUCT_SKU ) | SKU code with which you will be able to identify your sold products. |
Sale detail (SALE_DETAIL ) | This column offers detailed information on the items sold in each delivery, making it easier to reconcile and control your sales. |
Data type | This column provides detailed information about the data type associated with each field, including the maximum length and the corresponding format. The llowed values are:: - STRING(200) : for text strings with a maximum of 200 characters. - NUMERIC(19,2) : for numbers with 19 digits, including 2 decimal places. - STRING(JSON) : for structured data in JSON format. - DateTime : for dates. |